Language, Technologies and the Future of Europe

International conference. September 21, 2012. Riga, Latvia

8:15 Registration open

8:30 Conference exhibits open

9:00 Opening session

Opening address (video)

Valdis Dombrovskis, Prime Minister of Latvia

Keynotes (video)

Language as cornerstone of European cultural diversity and our national identity
Žaneta Jaunzeme-Grende, Minister of Culture of the Republic of Latvia (video)

Languages and the publishing strategy of the EU Publications Office
Harolds Celms, Director, Publications Office of the European Union (video)

9:40 Preparing European Languages for the Digital Age
Chaired by Andrejs Vasiļjevs, Chairman of the Board, Tilde

Translating for a multilingual European Union (video)
Uldis Priede, Head of Department, DGT Translation, European Commission

Language Technologies for a Better Understanding: European Research on a Core Component of Next Generation IT (video)
Hans Uszkoreit, Scientific Director, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)

Support for Language Technologies and Language Resources in Current and Upcoming EU programmes (video)
Kimmo Rossi, DG CONNECT, European Commission

Language Resource Infrastructures Boosting European Research and Innovation in Language Technologies - The case of META-SHARE (video)
Stelios Piperidis, President of the European Language Resource Association, Head of Department, ILSP/”Athena” RC

Latvian perspective (video)
Lauma Sīka, Acting State Secretary, Ministry of Education and Science, Latvia

11:15 Coffee break

11:45 Baltic Languages in the Digital Age

Presentation and discussion on the key findings of the META-NET Language Whitepapers
Chaired by Hans Uszkoreit, Scientific Director, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)

Kadri Vider, Head of the Center of Estonian Language Resources (video)

Andrejs Veisbergs, Head of the Presidential State Language Commission, Latvia (video)

Inguna Skadiņa, Chief Research Officer, Tilde, Latvia (video)

Daiva Vaišnienė, Chairperson of the State Commission of Lithuanian Language (video)

13:10 Buffet lunch

14:10 National Activities in Language Technology Field
Chaired by prof. Imants Freibergs, Former President of Latvian Information and Communications Technology Association (LIKTA)

Armands Magone, Director of Culture Information Systems Agency, Latvia (video)

Jolanta Zabarskaite, Director, Institute of Lithuanian Language (video)

Kadri Vider, Head of the Center of Estonian Language Resources (video)

15:10 Coffee break

15:30 Application of Language Technologies
Chaired by Armands Magone, Director of Culture Information Systems Agency, Latvia

Providing Language Technologies for the Global Market
Ēriks Eglītis, Country manager, Microsoft Latvia

Developing Language Technology Applications for Smaller Languages (video)
Andrejs Vasiļjevs, Tilde, Latvia

Natural Language Processing at IMCS UL (video)
Normunds Grūzītis, Researcher, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Latvia

Interactive e-Learning Materials for Language Acquisition (video)
Dace Baumgarte, e-learning Project Manager, Datorzinību Centrs JSC, Latvia

16:45 Launch of Specialized Machine Translation Portal LetsMT (video)
Raivis Skadiņš, Chief Software Architect, Tilde, Latvia

17:00 Closing cocktail

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